
Team stats

  • 1 What place is the team in the table?
  • 18 Number of matches
  • 15 Win
  • 3 Draw
  • 0 Loss
  • 48 Points


MW23 14:00/25.11.2022 Севинч 3 : 2 Бунёдкор-W “Геолог” Match summary
MW21 15:00/01.11.2022 АГМК-W 1 : 3 Севинч Стадион "Металлург" Match summary


MW20 15:00/27.10.2022 Севинч 2 : 0 Сўғдиёна-W Стадион "Мехнатчи" Match summary
MW19 15:00/21.10.2022 Пахтакор-W 0 : 7 Севинч Чилонзор стадиони (Тошкент) Match summary
MW18 16:00/15.10.2022 Севинч 0 : 0 Бунёдкор-W “Геолог” Match summary


MW17 16:00/28.09.2022 АГМК-W 1 : 2 Севинч Стадион "Металлург". Алмалык Match summary
MW16 16:00/23.09.2022 Севинч 13 : 0 Металлург-W “Геолог” Match summary
MW15 16:00/19.09.2022 Пахтакор-W 1 : 8 Севинч Чилонзор стадиони (Тошкент) Match summary


MW14 18:00/15.08.2022 Севинч 12 : 1 Локомотив-W “Геолог” Match summary
MW13 17:30/09.08.2022 Кызилкум-W 0 : 5 Севинч "Ешлик", Кармана Match summary
MW12 18:00/05.08.2022 Севинч 2 : 1 Сўғдиёна-W “Геолог” Match summary


MW8 18:00/20.06.2022 Севинч 6 : 0 АГМК-W “Геолог” Match summary
MW11 17:30/16.06.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 12 Севинч Стадион "Пахтакор". Уйчи Match summary
MW10 18:00/11.06.2022 Севинч 8 : 0 Нефтчи-W “Геолог” Match summary
MW9 17:00/04.06.2022 Бунёдкор-W 1 : 1 Севинч "Бунёдкор" академияси Match summary


MW7 17:00/21.05.2022 Металлург-W 1 : 7 Севинч Стадион "Металлург" Match summary
MW6 17:00/15.05.2022 Севинч 5 : 0 Пахтакор-W “Геолог” Match summary
MW5 17:00/04.05.2022 Локомотив-W 0 : 5 Севинч TDTU stadium Match summary


MW4 17:00/23.04.2022 Севинч 5 : 1 Кызилкум-W Central stadium. Qarshi Match summary
MW3 16:45/19.04.2022 Сўғдиёна-W 1 : 1 Севинч База "Согдияна" Match summary


MW2 16:00/30.03.2022 Севинч 9 : 0 Навбаҳор-W Central stadium. Qarshi Match summary
MW1 15:00/24.03.2022 Нефтчи-W 0 : 6 Севинч Киргули Match summary



Matches 9

Goals 1


Matches 20

Goals 15


Matches 9

Goals 1


Matches 9

Goals 3


Matches 19

Goals 0


Matches 21

Goals 9

Matches 11

Goals 13


Matches 22

Goals 8


Matches 10

Goals 0


Matches 10

Goals 0

# Player Matches Minutes Played Scored Cautions
St XI Sub off Sub on not played G (P) GC Ass G+As YC 2YC RC
7 Севинч Бойлиева 6 6
10 Мехрибон Эгамбердиева 8 4 1 7
15 Дангмеи Грейс 10 633 8 5 1 1 1 1
17 Наргиза Эштемирова 11 97 6 5
4 Алвине Нгонжа 11 921 11 2 1 1 1
22 Солиха Хусниддинова 11 826 10 4 1 1
7 Мумуни Фусейна 11 990 11 13 (3) 13 1
3 Зумратжон Назарова 12 319 4 2 2 6 1
20 Зарина Норбоева 18 165 9 9 3 3
17 Севара Рузиева 19 501 6 5 6 7
13 Юлдуз Шодиева 20 999 11 3 4 5
33 Угилой Сайдуллаева 20 480 3 7 10 1
16 Мафтуна Джонимкулова 21 1673 21 9
1 Лайло Тиловова 21 1890 21 2 2 3
23 Ангелина Полюшкевич 21 316 2 2 7 12 1 1
11 Гулзода Амирова 21 1667 19 5 1 1 15 15 5
37 Малика Бурхонова 21 1834 20 1 1 11 11
90 Махлиё Сарикова 21 1105 12 7 5 4 15 15 1
77 Нилуфар Кудратова 21 1793 20 3 1 29 29
12 Севара Нуруллаева 22 386 2 8 12
17 Шодия Тошева 22 1041 11 5 7 4 1
9 Мафтуна Шойимова 22 1887 22 4 21 (2) 21 3
19 Лианна Норбекова 22 1111 14 8 5 3
10 Саида Галимова 22 1947 22 2 8 8 2
    [0] => Array
            [id] => 5637
            [name] => Севинч Бойлиева
            [number] => 7
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 6
                    [all_minutes] => 0
                    [on_matches] => 0
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 6

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [1] => Array
            [id] => 5649
            [name] => Мехрибон Эгамбердиева
            [number] => 10
            [position_id] => 4
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 8
                    [all_minutes] => 4
                    [on_matches] => 1
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 7

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [2] => Array
            [id] => 7154
            [name] => Дангмеи Грейс
            [number] => 15
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 10
                    [all_minutes] => 633
                    [on_matches] => 9
                    [on_matches_start] => 8
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 5
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [3] => Array
            [id] => 5638
            [name] => Наргиза Эштемирова
            [number] => 17
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 97
                    [on_matches] => 6
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 6
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 5

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [4] => Array
            [id] => 7153
            [name] => Алвине Нгонжа
            [number] => 4
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 921
                    [on_matches] => 11
                    [on_matches_start] => 11
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [5] => Array
            [id] => 3200
            [name] => Солиха Хусниддинова
            [number] => 22
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 826
                    [on_matches] => 10
                    [on_matches_start] => 10
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 4
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [6] => Array
            [id] => 4668
            [name] => Мумуни Фусейна
            [number] => 7
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 990
                    [on_matches] => 11
                    [on_matches_start] => 11
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 10
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 3
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [7] => Array
            [id] => 3193
            [name] => Зумратжон Назарова
            [number] => 3
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 12
                    [all_minutes] => 319
                    [on_matches] => 6
                    [on_matches_start] => 4
                    [on_matches_end] => 2
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 6

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [8] => Array
            [id] => 5571
            [name] => Зарина Норбоева
            [number] => 20
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 18
                    [all_minutes] => 165
                    [on_matches] => 9
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 9
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 9

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 3
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [9] => Array
            [id] => 3172
            [name] => Севара Рузиева
            [number] => 17
            [position_id] => 4
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 19
                    [all_minutes] => 501
                    [on_matches] => 12
                    [on_matches_start] => 6
                    [on_matches_end] => 6
                    [on_matches_replace] => 5
                    [off_matches] => 7

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [10] => Array
            [id] => 3236
            [name] => Юлдуз Шодиева
            [number] => 13
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 20
                    [all_minutes] => 999
                    [on_matches] => 15
                    [on_matches_start] => 11
                    [on_matches_end] => 4
                    [on_matches_replace] => 3
                    [off_matches] => 5

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [11] => Array
            [id] => 3181
            [name] => Угилой Сайдуллаева
            [number] => 33
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 20
                    [all_minutes] => 480
                    [on_matches] => 10
                    [on_matches_start] => 3
                    [on_matches_end] => 7
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 10

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [12] => Array
            [id] => 3163
            [name] => Мафтуна Джонимкулова
            [number] => 16
            [position_id] => 1
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 1673
                    [on_matches] => 21
                    [on_matches_start] => 21
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 9
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [13] => Array
            [id] => 3162
            [name] => Лайло Тиловова
            [number] => 1
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 1890
                    [on_matches] => 21
                    [on_matches_start] => 21
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 2
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 3
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [14] => Array
            [id] => 3182
            [name] => Ангелина Полюшкевич
            [number] => 23
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 316
                    [on_matches] => 9
                    [on_matches_start] => 2
                    [on_matches_end] => 7
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 12

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [15] => Array
            [id] => 3173
            [name] => Гулзода Амирова
            [number] => 11
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 1667
                    [on_matches] => 20
                    [on_matches_start] => 19
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 5
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 15
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 5
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [16] => Array
            [id] => 3169
            [name] => Малика Бурхонова
            [number] => 37
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 1834
                    [on_matches] => 21
                    [on_matches_start] => 20
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 1
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 11
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [17] => Array
            [id] => 3197
            [name] => Махлиё Сарикова
            [number] => 90
            [position_id] => 4
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 1105
                    [on_matches] => 17
                    [on_matches_start] => 12
                    [on_matches_end] => 5
                    [on_matches_replace] => 7
                    [off_matches] => 4

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 15
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [18] => Array
            [id] => 3175
            [name] => Нилуфар Кудратова
            [number] => 77
            [position_id] => 4
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 1793
                    [on_matches] => 21
                    [on_matches_start] => 20
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 3
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 29
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [19] => Array
            [id] => 3302
            [name] => Севара Нуруллаева
            [number] => 12
            [position_id] => 1
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 386
                    [on_matches] => 10
                    [on_matches_start] => 2
                    [on_matches_end] => 8
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 12

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [20] => Array
            [id] => 3166
            [name] => Шодия Тошева
            [number] => 17
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 1041
                    [on_matches] => 18
                    [on_matches_start] => 11
                    [on_matches_end] => 7
                    [on_matches_replace] => 5
                    [off_matches] => 4

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [21] => Array
            [id] => 3164
            [name] => Мафтуна Шойимова
            [number] => 9
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 1887
                    [on_matches] => 22
                    [on_matches_start] => 22
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 4
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 19
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 2
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 3
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [22] => Array
            [id] => 3222
            [name] => Лианна Норбекова
            [number] => 19
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 1111
                    [on_matches] => 19
                    [on_matches_start] => 14
                    [on_matches_end] => 5
                    [on_matches_replace] => 8
                    [off_matches] => 3

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [23] => Array
            [id] => 3185
            [name] => Саида Галимова
            [number] => 10
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 1947
                    [on_matches] => 22
                    [on_matches_start] => 22
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 8
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 2
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0

