
  • Surkhon SC

Team stats

  • 10 What place is the team in the table?
  • 18 Number of matches
  • 0 Win
  • 1 Draw
  • 17 Loss
  • 1 Points


MW23 14:00/25.11.2022 Локомотив-W 11 : 0 Навбаҳор-W TDTU stadium Match summary
MW22 14:00/21.11.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 6 Кызилкум-W "Марказий" стадион захира майдони Match summary
MW21 14:00/01.11.2022 Металлург-W 6 : 1 Навбаҳор-W Стадион "Металлург" Match summary


MW20 15:00/27.10.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 3 Нефтчи-W "Марказий" стадион захира майдони Match summary
MW18 15:00/15.10.2022 Металлург-W 6 : 2 Навбаҳор-W Стадион "Металлург" Match summary


MW17 15:30/28.09.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 5 Локомотив-W "Марказий" стадион захира майдони Match summary
MW16 16:00/23.09.2022 Сўғдиёна-W 6 : 0 Навбаҳор-W База "Согдияна" Match summary
MW15 16:00/19.09.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 2 Нефтчи-W Central stadium. Namangan Match summary


MW14 17:30/15.08.2022 АГМК-W 8 : 0 Навбаҳор-W Стадион "Металлург". Алмалык Match summary
MW13 17:00/09.08.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 5 Пахтакор-W Стадион "Пахтакор". Уйчи Match summary
MW12 18:00/05.08.2022 Кызилкум-W 6 : 1 Навбаҳор-W Yoshlar SC Match summary


MW11 17:30/16.06.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 12 Севинч Стадион "Пахтакор". Уйчи Match summary
MW10 17:30/11.06.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 4 Бунёдкор-W "Ёш куч" Match summary
MW9 17:30/04.06.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 3 Металлург-W "Ёш куч" Match summary


MW8 17:30/31.05.2022 Локомотив-W 4 : 0 Навбаҳор-W ДЮСШ Ташкента Match summary
MW7 17:00/21.05.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 3 Сўғдиёна-W "Ёш куч" Match summary
MW6 17:00/15.05.2022 Нефтчи-W 2 : 0 Навбаҳор-W СК "Нефтчи" Match summary
MW5 16:00/04.05.2022 Навбаҳор-W 0 : 7 АГМК-W "Марказий" стадион захира майдони Match summary


MW4 16:00/23.04.2022 Пахтакор-W 1 : 1 Навбаҳор-W Стадион "Чиланзар" Match summary
MW3 15:00/16.04.2022 Навбаҳор-W 2 : 7 Кызилкум-W "Марказий" стадион захира майдони Match summary


MW2 16:00/30.03.2022 Севинч 9 : 0 Навбаҳор-W Central stadium. Qarshi Match summary
MW1 15:00/24.03.2022 Бунёдкор-W 7 : 0 Навбаҳор-W "Бунёдкор" академияси



Matches 18

Goals 2


Matches 11

Goals 0


Matches 2

Goals 0


Matches 16

Goals 0


Matches 21

Goals 0


Matches 0

Goals 0


Matches 19

Goals 0


Matches 18

Goals 0


Matches 10

Goals 0


Matches 22

Goals 1


Matches 7

Goals 0



Matches 3

Goals 0


Matches 17

Goals 0


Matches 11

Goals 1


Matches 19

Goals 1


Matches 2

Goals 0


Matches 19

Goals 0


Matches 11

Goals 1


Matches 11

Goals 0


Matches 22

Goals 0

# Player Matches Minutes Played Scored Cautions
St XI Sub off Sub on not played G (P) GC Ass G+As YC 2YC RC
14 Зухрахон Абдурахимова 0
4 Навруза Тургунова 3 37 2 1
1 Рисолат Хамидуллаева 6 6
10 Гулнавоз Турсунова 9 13 2 7
11 Диёра Валихонова 9 56 3 6
99 Марджона Тураева 9 547 6 1 2 1
77 Вазира Хайитова 11 990 11 2
13 Мафтунахон Норбаева 11 783 8 2 1
22 Мавлюда Мунавварова 11 980 11 1 1 1 1
10 Нодира Туранова 11 968 11 1 1 1 2
19 Фотимахон Ураимжонова 12 790 9 2 2 1 1 1
2 Угилой Азимжонова 16 403 4 3 9 1
98 Айгул Давлатова 18 1620 18
5 Бахтишод Тухтаева 18 1605 18 2 2 2 4 1
23 Мархабо Джурабаева 18 1539 18 2 2 1
14 Навбахор Тухтабоева 19 1304 13 3 6 1 1 1
8 Жасмина Турсунбоева 20 598 5 1 11 4 1
11 Зилола Сайфиддинова 20 675 7 6 10 3 1
8 Нилуфар Умарова 20 1567 18 3 1 1 2
9 Зарина Ходжаева 20 1768 20 3 1 1 10 1
20 Мадина Абдурасулова 21 1263 14 4 5 2 1
8 Зиёда Аманкулова 22 1457 20 11 1 1
15 Мукаррамхон Абдуллаева 22 1922 21 2 1 1 1 3
13 Шахноза Насриддинова 22 1939 22 3 2
    [0] => Array
            [id] => 3281
            [name] => Зухрахон Абдурахимова
            [number] => 14
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 0
                    [all_minutes] => 0
                    [on_matches] => 0
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [1] => Array
            [id] => 6614
            [name] => Навруза Тургунова
            [number] => 4
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 3
                    [all_minutes] => 37
                    [on_matches] => 2
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 2
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [2] => Array
            [id] => 5477
            [name] => Рисолат Хамидуллаева
            [number] => 1
            [position_id] => 1
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 6
                    [all_minutes] => 0
                    [on_matches] => 0
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 6

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [3] => Array
            [id] => 6609
            [name] => Гулнавоз Турсунова
            [number] => 10
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 9
                    [all_minutes] => 13
                    [on_matches] => 2
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 2
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 7

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [4] => Array
            [id] => 6610
            [name] => Диёра Валихонова
            [number] => 11
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 9
                    [all_minutes] => 56
                    [on_matches] => 3
                    [on_matches_start] => 0
                    [on_matches_end] => 3
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 6

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [5] => Array
            [id] => 3387
            [name] => Марджона Тураева
            [number] => 99
            [position_id] => 4
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 9
                    [all_minutes] => 547
                    [on_matches] => 7
                    [on_matches_start] => 6
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 2

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [6] => Array
            [id] => 3403
            [name] => Вазира Хайитова
            [number] => 77
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 990
                    [on_matches] => 11
                    [on_matches_start] => 11
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 1
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 2
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [7] => Array
            [id] => 3283
            [name] => Мафтунахон Норбаева
            [number] => 13
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 783
                    [on_matches] => 10
                    [on_matches_start] => 8
                    [on_matches_end] => 2
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [8] => Array
            [id] => 4671
            [name] => Мавлюда Мунавварова
            [number] => 22
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 980
                    [on_matches] => 11
                    [on_matches_start] => 11
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 1
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [9] => Array
            [id] => 7150
            [name] => Нодира Туранова
            [number] => 10
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 11
                    [all_minutes] => 968
                    [on_matches] => 11
                    [on_matches_start] => 11
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 1
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 2
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [10] => Array
            [id] => 6611
            [name] => Фотимахон Ураимжонова
            [number] => 19
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 12
                    [all_minutes] => 790
                    [on_matches] => 11
                    [on_matches_start] => 9
                    [on_matches_end] => 2
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 1


    [11] => Array
            [id] => 5467
            [name] => Угилой Азимжонова
            [number] => 2
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 16
                    [all_minutes] => 403
                    [on_matches] => 7
                    [on_matches_start] => 4
                    [on_matches_end] => 3
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 9

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [12] => Array
            [id] => 3278
            [name] => Айгул Давлатова
            [number] => 98
            [position_id] => 1
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 18
                    [all_minutes] => 1620
                    [on_matches] => 18
                    [on_matches_start] => 18
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 0
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [13] => Array
            [id] => 3356
            [name] => Бахтишод Тухтаева
            [number] => 5
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 18
                    [all_minutes] => 1605
                    [on_matches] => 18
                    [on_matches_start] => 18
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 2
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 4
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 1


    [14] => Array
            [id] => 4672
            [name] => Мархабо Джурабаева
            [number] => 23
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 18
                    [all_minutes] => 1539
                    [on_matches] => 18
                    [on_matches_start] => 18
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 1
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 2
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 1


    [15] => Array
            [id] => 5478
            [name] => Навбахор Тухтабоева
            [number] => 14
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 19
                    [all_minutes] => 1304
                    [on_matches] => 19
                    [on_matches_start] => 13
                    [on_matches_end] => 6
                    [on_matches_replace] => 3
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [16] => Array
            [id] => 5484
            [name] => Жасмина Турсунбоева
            [number] => 8
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 20
                    [all_minutes] => 598
                    [on_matches] => 16
                    [on_matches_start] => 5
                    [on_matches_end] => 11
                    [on_matches_replace] => 1
                    [off_matches] => 4

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [17] => Array
            [id] => 3292
            [name] => Зилола Сайфиддинова
            [number] => 11
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 20
                    [all_minutes] => 675
                    [on_matches] => 17
                    [on_matches_start] => 7
                    [on_matches_end] => 10
                    [on_matches_replace] => 6
                    [off_matches] => 3

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [18] => Array
            [id] => 4663
            [name] => Нилуфар Умарова
            [number] => 8
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 20
                    [all_minutes] => 1567
                    [on_matches] => 19
                    [on_matches_start] => 18
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 3
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 2
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [19] => Array
            [id] => 3368
            [name] => Зарина Ходжаева
            [number] => 9
            [position_id] => 4
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 20
                    [all_minutes] => 1768
                    [on_matches] => 20
                    [on_matches_start] => 20
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 3
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 10
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 1


    [20] => Array
            [id] => 5277
            [name] => Мадина Абдурасулова
            [number] => 20
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 21
                    [all_minutes] => 1263
                    [on_matches] => 19
                    [on_matches_start] => 14
                    [on_matches_end] => 5
                    [on_matches_replace] => 4
                    [off_matches] => 2

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 1
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [21] => Array
            [id] => 5279
            [name] => Зиёда Аманкулова
            [number] => 8
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 1457
                    [on_matches] => 21
                    [on_matches_start] => 20
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 11
                    [off_matches] => 1

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 0
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [22] => Array
            [id] => 3288
            [name] => Мукаррамхон Абдуллаева
            [number] => 15
            [position_id] => 2
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 1922
                    [on_matches] => 22
                    [on_matches_start] => 21
                    [on_matches_end] => 1
                    [on_matches_replace] => 2
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 1
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 3
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0


    [23] => Array
            [id] => 3369
            [name] => Шахноза Насриддинова
            [number] => 13
            [position_id] => 3
            [score] => Array
                    [game] => 22
                    [all_minutes] => 1939
                    [on_matches] => 22
                    [on_matches_start] => 22
                    [on_matches_end] => 0
                    [on_matches_replace] => 3
                    [off_matches] => 0

            [goal] => Array
                    [goal_all] => 0
                    [goal_auto_goal] => 0
                    [goal_penalty] => 0
                    [assist] => 0

            [card] => Array
                    [card_yellow] => 2
                    [card_yellow2] => 0
                    [card_red] => 0

